M&H Pros Day
The Millichamp and Hall ‘Pros Day’ proved to be a great success, with players from a variety of counties coming to our Taunton headquarters to meet the team and collect their equipment for the upcoming season. They didn’t just collect their kit; they provided advice on product development and had a media tutorial from the social media team.
The M&H ladies provided great insight into the CS300 range of pads and gloves. This insight will enable the team at M&H to make developments that will improve the design and construction making sure they will be the perfect fit for players of all ages and abilities.
A lot of fun was had by all the pros in the workshop who picked their bats and chose their decals. The new decals Surge and Ember proved to be a great success and some future decals certainly caught the eyes of our pros.
It was also great to catch up with the pros and discuss their upcoming seasons and who and where they will be playing. Some further away than others, with a few pros playing abroad in major tournaments.
Hampshire’s James Fuller spoke about the day and his love for M&H “I love the wholesome feel of the brand, the fact you can come down here and feel connected with the team really makes the experience special.”
“I love how each bat is designed with the specific player in mind, this means you can trust the stick being given to you, this is key especially when you are trying to hit six sixes an over.”
Emily Windsor also spoke about M&H, where she has been sponsored for nearly ten years. “To come down and see the team is always great, they are always accessible, and they are always very personable when it comes to assistance with the kit.”
The day was topped off by some fun car park cricket, which entailed some comedic moments, a certain Tom Lace bowling being one. All in all, it was great to chat with our M&H family members, and we look forward to seeing them again soon.