So Jack what have you been up to in Sri Lanka so far?
“Well we are in Hambantota at the moment and flew into here, we then move to Galle next week for the test matches. It is great to be back with the England guys although the circumstances are certainly different this time with Covid. Yesterday was the first time I got to leave my hotel room, the first few days we were isolated in our rooms so I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix and I am enjoying the Crown at the moment.”
How else have you been entertaining yourself?
“I’ve also been dipping in and out of a few books, such as Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey. I am a big fan of his so looking forward to learning more about what makes him tick and his career highlights. Obviously, knowing I was coming out here and going to have to isolate for a period, meant I asked for quite a few books from Santa. I’ve also got Gareth Southgate’s book here which will also be interesting. I enjoy reading about other people involved in professional sport and seeing how they do things or have done things that have to lead them to be where they are now.”
Are you enjoying the Sri Lankan food?
“Yes, it is great to try out different food from around the world and it is one of the many things I enjoy while being away with England. We’ve had all our meals delivered to our room and the people delivering them are in full hazmat suits, which of course was a bit strange at first, but it is great to see everyone taking such precautions.”

Talking of precautions, how strange is it touring with the current restrictions?
“Well it certainly has been strange, but I have been impressed with the precautions. We got tested at the Airport upon arrival and then yesterday at the hotel, we will probably get tested again tomorrow and then on Sunday to."
You are now allowed out of your room so what have you managed to do so far?
“Although we are allowed out now it is still stringent on what we can and can’t do. I got out to the beach for a little walk earlier and after being stuck in my room it certainly made you appreciate the simple things in life. Today was a gym session and then training in the afternoon so it was nice to tweak a few out. We are training in two separate groups and it is strange getting used to such a different climate suddenly it is certainly hot and sweaty!”

Any final thoughts Jack?
“The first test is only next Thursday and of course our preparation has been affected by Covid but we and everyone else around the world have had to adapt. As a team, we are looking forward to the next week of training and we know how lucky we are to be out here at the moment with everything that is going on at home. We just hope that we can provide a bit of entertainment and escapism for everyone as we know the situation is far from ideal.”